
Subject librarian

About the Classics collection

The study of classics has traditionally centered on the literature and material culture of ancient Greece and Rome, including Greek and Latin language, literature, philosophy, history, art, and archaeology. At Stanford, classics also explores connections with other ancient cultures and with the modern world as well as with specialized fields such as ancient economics, law, papyrology, and science. The department’s faculty approaches classics from an interdisciplinary perspective that crosses geographical, temporal, and thematic territories. Classics at Stanford is an interdisciplinary subject concerned not only with Greek and Roman civilization but also with the interaction of cultures and societies that influenced the ancient Mediterranean basin and continue to influence human society across the globe. The Libraries provide research and acquisitions support for the dynamic Stanford classics community, along with classroom support for working with primary-source materials.

Featured collections

  • Green Library Papyri Collection

    A collection of Egyptian papyri, presumably from Giza, in Greek, Demotic, Coptic, and Arabic.

    View the collection
  • Aldine Press Collection

    Publications from the presses of Aldus Manutius and family, including many works by Classical authors.

    View the collection

Further resources