Plan an estate gift

“It was a pleasure to work with Stanford’s Office of Planned Giving and Gift Real Estate team. Everything went smoothly, including setting up the charitable remainder unitrust and taking care of the final paperwork and tax reporting. A gift of real property through a unitrust is an excellent way to donate to Stanford.” — Jimmy Kan, MS ’66, MS ’67, PhD ’72,

The crest of the Founding Grant Society
The crest of the Founding Grant Society

Over the years, the Libraries have received generous support through bequests and estate plan gifts from alumni and friends. These gifts continue the legacy of Jane and Leland Stanford who made their own gifts and bequests to establish Stanford University in memory of their son, Leland Stanford Junior, in 1891.

Individuals who have made planned gifts to the Libraries are honored and welcomed into Stanford’s Founding Grant Society, making them an important part of Stanford’s legacy in providing support to the university to continue its work.

As the charter of the Founding Grant Society states for its members, “the Stanfords’ university also becomes their university ... each individual act of support reaffirms the Stanfords’ promise to children about the future ... that it will be better, that they are needed to make it better, and that a legacy of education will serve them more than any other.”

Learn more about bequests, estate plan gifts, and other types of planned gifts, as well as sample bequest language from Stanford’s Planned Giving team. Interested in exploring a planned gift? Contact us at or 650-736-9538.