Student SUNet ID and library privileges

Stanford Libraries seeks to provide clear guidelines to students throughout their academic career regarding their library privileges and its relationship with their SUNet ID.

When incoming:

  • Building access to Stanford Libraries locations require either a Stanford University ID Card, available from the ID Card Office, or Stanford Mobile ID with Mobile Key enabled. So, until you obtain a Stanford ID, your only option for library access is to register as a visitor with a valid government-issued ID or purchase a Stanford Libraries Card.
  • Library borrowing is tied to your Stanford ID Card. Borrowing accounts are system-generated the day after you obtain your University ID card. If you would like to borrow a book the same day you pick up the card, email Library Privileges staff to set up your borrowing account.
  • You will not have access to the Libraries’ online subscriptions on-campus or off-campus until you register for classes and your SUNet ID is activated. If you need access to the Libraries’ databases and subscriptions before enrollment, visit one of the library buildings and use a designated public kiosk computer.

While enrolled:

  • For building access and library borrowing, use your active Stanford ID Card or Stanford Mobile ID with Mobile Key enabled.
  • Your SUNet ID will grant you access to the Libraries’ online subscriptions on and off campus during all quarters you are enrolled.
  • Note: Your SUNet ID and Stanford ID card are deactivated any quarter you fail to enroll; exception is Summer Quarter when your SUNet ID and University ID stay active regardless of enrollment status (unless you go on leave or you graduate).

While on leave:

  • Your University ID Card will be deactivated by the ID Card Office during your official leave period, which consequently deactivates your library building access and borrowing privileges.
  • Your SUNet ID will continue to grant access to the Libraries’ online subscriptions during your leave period. Visit the Visitor access page for building access and physical borrowing options.

Upon graduation:

  • Your University ID Card is deactivated within days of your graduation date which expires your library borrowing account. Alumni qualify for 14 free library visits through our visitor registration option and discounted library cards. Learn more about Alumni access.
  • Immediately upon graduation your SUNet ID stops granting you off-campus access to the libraries online subscriptions. However, for 120 days after graduation, you will continue to have on-campus access to library online resources and access to your Stanford email. Please contact Coordinate Libraries directly, as they may have slightly different library privileges policies. Learn more about forwarding and saving the email.